If you've ever accidentally launched a program and had to wait for it to completely load before you could quit it, you need Bail. Bail gives you an opportunity early in the launch cycle of the application to quit.
How do I Bail?
When any application loads, you have a few seconds in which you can Bail. Just hold down the mouse button or press Command-period and the application will stop loading and return you to the Finder.
Preventing applications from Bailing
You can add applications to the list in the Control Panel. When these applications load, Bail will ignore them, you will not be able to Bail on any of these applications. An ideal application for this is PrintMonitor which launches itself in the background when there is a document waiting to print. If you do not add this application to the list and you happen to click when PrintMonitor is trying to run, it will Bail. This is most likely undesireable.
You do not need to restart after changing configuration options for changes to take effect. Bail prevention only works under System software version 7.0 and later.
About Natural Intelligence
Natural Intelligence, Inc. provides a full range of Macintosh consulting services. Specializing in client-server database solutions and Macintosh programming services, Natural Intelligence has been solving problems for clients since 1987. For more information, contact us at (617) 876-4876.
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